G1 Practice Test Home > G1 Practice Test Please enter your email: 1. Route to airport Airplane landing strip Air show ahead Airport welcome sign 2. Lift bridge ahead Gravel road ahead Construction zone Narrow road ahead 3. Drivers with a G1 licence must be accompanied by a driver with a G class or higher licence, plus how many years of driving experience? 2 Years 4 Years 6 Years 8 Years 4. When you are required to use lights, you must use low-beam headlights: There is no law established, this is a safety practice Within 150m of an approaching vehicle Within 500m of an approaching vehicle Within 1km of an approaching vehicle 5. Construction zone Dead end street Yield right of way Slow moving vehicle 6. No idling Idling under three min. not permitted Idling longer than three min. not permitted No stopping for longer than three min. 7. Bicycles permitted to use this road Bicycles not permitted to use this road Bicycle crossing Bicycle lane ends 8. As a novice driver, with a suspended license for driving under the influence, your licence could be: Permanently revoked Temporarily revoked Suspended for one year Cancelled 9. U-turn not permitted Left lane exits No left turn No right turn 10. When travelling on a two-way traffic roadway, and an emergency vehicle approaches with a siren, what are you legally required to do? Speed up to get out of the way Stop where you are Continue travelling at the same speed Pull over to the right and stop 11. Do not enter roadway Slow moving vehicle You have the right-of-way You must yield right-of-way 12. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, in which an injury has occurred, you must report the accident to: Your insurance company only The Ministry of Transportation only The nearest police officer, immediately The nearest police officer, within 48 hours 13. Drivers under the age of 20 with their G2 license for longer than 6 months, may carry how many passengers, under the age of 20, between midnight and 5am? 1 passenger 2 passengers 3 passengers No passengers 14. When the traffic lights of an intersection are out of order, how should you proceed? Treat intersection as a four-way stop Yield to oncoming traffic Slow down, proceed with caution Stop, proceed when traffic clears 15. Dead end street ahead Lighted intersection ahead Stop sign ahead Speed reduction ahead 16. Dead end ahead Roundabout ahead Prohibited sign Do not enter roadway 17. Construction zone ahead Road work ahead Construction sign replacing flagman on duty Obey flagman’s diretion 18. A flashing green light at an intersection in which left and right turns are permitted indicates: If intersection is clear, you may turn left If intersection is clear, you may turn right If intersection is clear, you may proceed straight All of the above 19. Parking permitted anytime Parking permitted on weekend only Parking not permitted Parking permitted during designated times 20. When approaching a stopped vehicle that is allowing pedestrians to cross the street at a marked crosswalk, how should you proceed? Pass the stopped vehicle on the left Pass the stopped vehicle on the right Sound the horn to indicate the car should continue driving Do not pass, stop behind vehicle and wait for pedestrians to complete crossing the street 21. Left turns not permitted Hidden sideroads – drivers on sideroad do not have clear view of traffic U-turns not permitted Right lane exits 22. Right lane exits One way street No left turns Right turn only 23. A merging traffic sign indicates you must: Speed up to get in front of incoming traffic Adjust your speed and position to safely merge with oncoming traffic Treat merge as a stop, proceed when clear Honk your horn to indicate you are merging into the lane 24. Do not block intersection No stopping Intersection ahead Pedestrian crossing ahead 25. Failing to stop at a school crossing, you could be fined: No fine, 2 demerit points Between $500 – $1500 and 6 demerit points Between $150 – $500 and 3 demerit points Up to $5000 and 4 demerit points 26. One-way only Passing not permitted Right lane ends Left lane ends 27. If a driver accumulates 15 or more demerit points on their driver’s licence, their licence is to be suspended: For 60 days Automatically, for 30 days upon MTO’s receipt of licence Upon the discretion of the MTO If licence is not used for a professional purpose 28. Snowmobiles may use this road Snowmobiles only permitted Snowmobiles not permitted Snowmobile crossing 29. When approaching a signal light and it turns from green to amber, what should you do? Speed up to clear intersection Stop abruptly Stop. If stop cannot be safely made, proceed with caution Continue travelling without stopping, speeding up, or slowing down. 30. One way street Do not drive straight through intersection Stop sign ahead Dead end ahead 31. If your tire suddenly blows out as you are driving, you should: Stop the vehicle on the side of the road Release gas to slow the vehicle Focus on steering All of the above 32. In Ontario, the seat belt law is in effect? True False When driving within a municipality When speed exceeds 60km/h 33. When exiting your vehicle on a heavy traffic roadway, you should open your door: After indicating with hand signals that you are exiting When you may safely exit At any time When your four-way signals have been turned on 34. If a traffic light at an intersection indicates red light for you to stop, but you are motioned by a police officer to proceed through the intersection, what should you do? Stop, proceed with caution as directed Continue through intersection Stop completely, proceed when indicated by a green light Detour away from intersection 35. In the instance that personal injury occurs in an accident, it must be reported to the police, or if damage exceeds what amount? $2000 $1000 $500 $100 36. Left lane exits Two-way left turn lane Road ends ahead Right lane exits 37. If a pedestrian is still crossing the street when the traffic light changes, who is entitled to right-of-way? Vehicles making a left hand turn Vehicles making a right hand turn Vehicles proceeding through the intersection The pedestrian 38. Snowmobiles may use this road Snowmobiles only permitted Snowmobiles not permitted Snowmobile crossing 39. When a driver has a change in his/her name or address, they must notify the Ministry of Transportation and Communication within what time period? Within 2 weeks Within 30 days Within 6 days At any time 40. Parking not permitted No standing Parking for vehicles without valid disabled person parking permit only Parking for vehicles with valid disabled person parking permit only Loading … Question 1 of 40 Driving Course Resources Licensing Timeline Drivers Handbook Online